health, parenting

5 Tips for Making Bedtime Less Exhausting | Guest Post by Lisa Smalls

Remember the good ol’ days when you could stay up all night partying with friends till daybreak or pull multiple all-nighters studying for finals? You probably thought you could pull off that same level of energy forever, but let’s face it: responsibilities and priorities in your early twenties are completely different than they are once you’re a parent. Between managing a career, a family, and anything else that falls into your lap, you’re probably ready for bed hours before your children actually fall asleep. Establishing what works for you and your family surrounding sleep and bedtime routines will work wonders for your children’s health and your sanity.
Here are 5 tips for making bedtime less exhausting:

1. Create a Relaxing Routine

Routines are king in the land of parenting. Children, especially young children, need routines in order to feel secure and understand what to expect. Bedtime routines also teach them when to be sleepy. Consistently doing certain things before bedtime like taking a bath, then reading a story, can help your child recognize that the time to sleep has come again. Bedtime routines will differ with each child so it’s important to play around and see what works best for your family.

2. Consistent Bedtimes

If you have multi-aged children, it will be difficult for everyone to go to bed at the same time, however, each individual should at least be going to bed at the same time every night. And, depending on their age, children should be receiving a certain number of hours of sleep per night for optimum health.

3. Flow in One Direction

The energy that surrounds bedtime should be relaxing and calm. Try your best to flow in one direction during bedtime. Don’t have bath time downstairs, for example, only to detour to the basement before heading back upstairs to read a story. Limit detours by making sure everything you’ll need for bedtime is readily accessible. Grab the glass of water you know your child will ask for before the actual routine begins, in other words, to avoid too much excitement right before bed.

4. Design a Sleep Paradise
Photo by Bastien Jaillot on Unsplash

Create an environment that is sleep-friendly by removing any clothing and clutter that is thrown on the floor. This is also a nice opportunity for your child to help you in creating a sleep paradise that they will be sleeping in, so let them help (if they’re old enough) by sticking glow in the dark stars on the walls or going to the store to help pick out their new mattress.

5. Give Notice

Ever been in a preschool room and hear the teacher give children a “10-minute warning”? Giving children notice of when the bedtime routine is going to begin gives them time to finish what it is they were doing and allows them to prepare for what’s next.

Are you ready to create a great bedtime routine for your family? Keep the above tips in mind and give it a shot! It might take awhile to perfect, but the benefits are worth the effort.

Lisa is a freelance writer from North Carolina who works regularly with Mattress Advisor writing reviews. Although she writes about sleep most of the time, there is nothing more she loves than spending time with her kids and using her experience as a sleep expert and parent sharing her tips with all the other sleep deprived parents out in the world!

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